Natural Health Living
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Living intentional with taking the right products that will supplement and feed the body, plenty of sleep and plenty of good drinking water. When I fall of the wagon of taking my supplements, I get back on, focus on staying on track with my intentional regimen. Intentional goals for my health!
BTT 2.0 - Beyond Tangy Tangerine / PDM - Plant Derived Minerals
This is a product that i've had my family on for years! Take a look at Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 The Ultimate Multi-Vitamin Mineral Complex (Non-GMO Whole Food, is the most advanced multi-vitamin mineral complex you can find).
BTT delivers 8000 ORAC(Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) per serving to combat Free Radicals and support optimal health. Youngevity Multi-Mineral Complex Plant-Derived Minerals is also what I add to my regimen. Our soils were not always deficient in minerals but because in time our soils for our produce today...they are lacking so, I personally want more minerals and these are great!
Blessings and Stay well,
On the bottle information
~ Plant Derived Minerals ~
On the plant-derived minerals they should not be confused with colloidal metallic minerals which comes from clay, ancient sea beds and ground up rocks and soil.
Each quart contains a natural assortment of approximately 19,000 mg of 100% natural plant minerals solids:
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